Defensive Tactics Instructor Course for Law Enforcement, Security Personnel and Martial Arts Instructors who teach Defensive Tactics in their agency, military unit or martial arts school. This DTI Certification is good for 2 years. Built upon the proven tactics taught to Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and other elite military and law enforcement, Master Instructors deliver the training and knowledge to equip you to effectively and efficiently train others who protect and serve.
Professional training includes the Use of Force policies used around the country and how to implement them, de-escalation principles, Krav Maga and Ju Jitsu self-defense, Expandable baton, speed and combat Hand Cuffing Techniques, Weapon Retention, Defense against weapons such as knife, stick, and gun. To pay online or by check, go to the Budo Kai International Seminars page. Instructor Bio's below.
Time is limited when applying cuffs, learn to place cuffs on subject within 1 to 2 seconds.
Defensive training against different types of attacks by the assailant.
Learn to retain your weapon both inside and outside of the holster.
Kaicho of Budo Kai International
Tony Georgiades is Kaicho of Budo-kai International and is recognized by the Budo-kai International board as Soke, Hachidan black belt, of Budo-Kai Goju-ryu. He earned a 6th degree black belt in Okinawan Goju-ryu under Sensei Tom Haggerty. Tom Haggerty trained under Ichiro Takahata who was a student of Mas
Kaicho of Budo Kai International
Tony Georgiades is Kaicho of Budo-kai International and is recognized by the Budo-kai International board as Soke, Hachidan black belt, of Budo-Kai Goju-ryu. He earned a 6th degree black belt in Okinawan Goju-ryu under Sensei Tom Haggerty. Tom Haggerty trained under Ichiro Takahata who was a student of Master Seikichi Toguchi. Tony earned a Sandan in Shorin-ryu karate having trained under Tadashi Yamaguchi’s top student Glen Rabago. He also earned a Shodan in Aibu-jutsu Ryu Ju-jitsu, and is a Senior Blade Master in Mushin-kan edged weapons. Tony was inducted into the 2015 US Black Belt Hall of Fame as “Soke of the year”. He was a guest instructor in the Hall of Fame in 2018 and 2019. In 2021 the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame awarded him 10th Dan in his system Budo Kai Goju.
In sport karate, Tony was ranked in the 1978 edition of “The World Journal Martial Arts” world rankings as the 10th contender in the full-contact karate middleweight division and 7th in the world in semi-contact tournament fighting. “Official Karate” magazine rated him 4th in the central region during this same timeframe. Tony is the only contender to knock down Bill "Superfoot" Wallace for an eight count during their fight in Denver, Colorado.
Tony was listed in the 1982/83 edition of “Who’s Who in Karate” and he was awarded the “Courage and Valor Award” for his Emergency Response Teams efforts to find survivors in the Murray building bombing in Oklahoma City in 1995.
Tony is a retired peace officer and Council on Law Enforcement and Education (C.L.E.E.T) certified defensive tactics instructor, which included providing instruction on empty hands defensive tactics, expandable baton, oleorisen capsicum (OC) spray, handcuffing techniques, defensive driving, and knife defense. He has trained police officers from Oklahoma to Afghanistan where he implemented a training program for the Afghanistan police officers in Badghis province in 2007. Tony was awarded two bronze star medals for his deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Tony is the owner of NRG Productions INC. and head instructor for TeamNRG. He has presented at the Idea World Convention twice and the Idea “FACTFEST” in Chicago training fitness instructors from around the world cardio kickboxing and the kinesiology of fighting. Additionally he has trained over five hundred fitness instructors in anatomy, kinesiology, personal training, indoor cycling, and elastomer techniques.
Tony’s recent training included the Krav Maga Law Enforcement Instructor course, the Israel Combat Pistol Instructor, and a Full Instructor as a Krav Maga Instructor under Marty Cale, United States Krav Maga Association.
Tony is a retired Lieutenant Colonel with the Army National Guard. His last assignment was as the Oklahoma state anti-terrorist/force protection officer and the head instructor for the Oklahoma Army National Guard’s armed carry program and the Active-threat Rapid Response Team (ARRT) in shooting skills and defensive tactics. He is an NRA certified firearms instructor and he is the owner and head instructor for Molon Labe Defensive Tactics, MLDT.
Budo Kai International Board Member
Soke Dean Bridges has been in the martial arts for over 40 years studying Tai Koshi Do, Tae Kwon Do, American Karate, Bushido Kempo, Aikijitsu, Jeet Kune Do, Kenpo and Krav Maga.
Dean studied Tai Koshi Do under the late Shodai Wayne L. Davis. Upon Shodai Davis passing away Dean inherited the style and wa
Budo Kai International Board Member
Soke Dean Bridges has been in the martial arts for over 40 years studying Tai Koshi Do, Tae Kwon Do, American Karate, Bushido Kempo, Aikijitsu, Jeet Kune Do, Kenpo and Krav Maga.
Dean studied Tai Koshi Do under the late Shodai Wayne L. Davis. Upon Shodai Davis passing away Dean inherited the style and was appointed as Soke.
Dean is an NRA Certified Pistol instructor, a Krav Maga Expert Level 3, Israeli Tactical Knife Fighting, Israeli Combat Pistol, Israeli Combat Rifle, Krav Maga Defensive Tactics, Krav Maga Personal Protection Security, and Tactical Driving instructor.
Dean has taught martial arts for over 35 years training such units as the Afghanistan National Army, Dominican Republic Air Force Special Force unit and their Republic Navy, Marines and Army units. Additionally, he has trained the Tennessee Air National Guard Security Forces, the Oklahoma Active Threat Rapid Response Team, and instructed in Personal Protection courses in Tennessee, Arkansas, and Colorado.
Dean served for 25 years in the Oklahoma Army National Guard in positions ranging from a Fire Team leader to a Brigade Command Sergeant Major. During this time frame Dean served in two combat zone tours to include working as a Combat Advisor in Afghanistan and as the Command Sergeant Major for the International Zone in Bagdad, Iraq.
Dean is a pastor for the Bar None Cowboy Church in Afton, OK and owner operator of Nowata Krav Maga and chief instructor for his company Team Phoenix Instructions
Instructor Torres has been training and around the martial arts scene for approximately twenty (20) years. He began his training in American free style Karate.
Over the years, Instructor Torres has trained in free style wrestling, boxing and various other disciplines. In 2012, Instructor Torres began his training in Israeli Krav Maga
Instructor Torres has been training and around the martial arts scene for approximately twenty (20) years. He began his training in American free style Karate.
Over the years, Instructor Torres has trained in free style wrestling, boxing and various other disciplines. In 2012, Instructor Torres began his training in Israeli Krav Maga.
Instructor Torres currently holds the rank of expert Level 1 in Krav Maga, a ranking of Advanced Defensive tactics Instructor and currently holds the rank of Orange belt in Combative Jiu-jitsu under the tutelage of Professor Marty Cale, owner and founder of the Krav Maga association.
Instructor Torres retired from the Texas Department of Public Safety in 2022 with over twenty-four (24) years of service. Instructor Torres served six (6) years as a Texas highway patrol trooper and sixteen (16) years in the departments Criminal Investigation Division. During this time frame, Instructor Torres also served on the departments Governor's Protection Detail for Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
For over two (2) years, Instructor Torres was assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division and was tasked with training CID personnel as well as Highway patrol troopers across the state of Texas in arrest control tactics and Use of force training.
Instructor Torres served as a firearms instructor, Raid Entry instructor and A.L.E.R.R.T Instructor just to name a few.
Instructor Torres is the co-owner and lead instructor of N.C Elite Krav Maga in San Angelo Texas.